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  • Feb 20 2024 OLM - More 'PIE' for You

Feb 20 2024 OLM - More 'PIE' for You

  • Tuesday, February 20, 2024
  • 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Congregation Or Hadash 7460 Trowbridge Road Sandy Springs GA 30328

Registration is closed

Enjoy More PIE:
Harvey Coleman's Tips & Tricks for Advancing Your Career and Satisfaction

No matter your age or career status, you can get more satisfaction with a bigger slice of PIE. That’s the message of Harvey Coleman, a management consultant to Fortune 50 companies and author. PIE is his acronym for Performance, Image, Exposure – his method for getting ahead or getting more satisfaction out of work and life at all stages of your life.

His formula is based on scientific research, and his message will surprise you.

P is for Performance, and it accounts for 10 percent of your success or level of influence. 

I is for Image, and it accounts for 30 percent. 

E is for Exposure, and it accounts for 60 percent.

Harvey learned about life from early jobs, such as shining shoes, caddying on golf courses, washing dishes, setting pins in a bowling alley, mowing lawns, working on garbage trucks, cleaning ashes out of large industrial furnaces, and working on construction and in steel mills.

He also found time to be an Eagle Scout and form a singing group as a high schooler in Pittsburgh that opened Ray Charles, James Brown, Little Anthony and the Imperials, Bobby Darrin and others.

Growing up as an African-American in the “Jim Crow” era and active in the Civil Rights movement, he was arrested twice at sit-ins, had crosses burned on the lawns of three houses in which he lived, was a Mississippi Freedom Rider, was at Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Later, he trained Andy Young’s leadership team when he was Mayor of Atlanta and had the honor of being one of seven people at Coretta King’s first two planning session when she was starting the King Center in Atlanta.

His career started when he was hired by the Xerox Corporation as their first Black salesman after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed. He worked for the IBM Corporation for 12years holding positions in sales, sales management, manager of EEO, Management Development and left there as a Divisional HR manager. He then worked for three years with the nation’s first Women’s consulting firm in New York during the Women’s revolution of the seventies, allowing him to insert a chapter about women and their journey to mainstream America. For the last 43 years, he has run his own consulting firm, teaching Fortune 500 executives, managers and Employee Resource Groups about the system’s unwritten rules.

Harvey is Chairman of the Greater Atlanta Girls Club and currently serves on the Advisory Boards of the State of Ga. Museum of Art and the Atlanta Ballet. He is a former board member of the National Girls Club, St. Joseph Hospital, The Greater Atlanta Boys Scouts, and The Atlanta Neighborhood Justice Center.

He was named “European Soldier of the Year” when stationed in Germany during the Berlin Crisis, and he later served as a consultant to the British House of Lords.

He has published four books on self-advancement.

Our OLM, which is open only to HOD Brethren, will include a new member initiation. Dark suits and ties are REQUIRED. Because of the initiation, schmoozing and snacks will begin at 6:30 p.m., and our formal meeting will be at 7 p.m. The Table Lodge dinner and speaker will begin at 8:30 p.m. and is open to guests. EVERYONE MUST REGISTER to ensure we have enough food.

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